Frank Centofante, renowned for his mastery in crafting lockback folders, was highly regarded for his artisanship until his death in 2009. He dedicated nearly two decades to serving on the board of directors of the Knifemakers Guild, including approximately ten years as its president. His substantial contributions were honored with induction into Blade Magazine Cutlery Hall of Fame in 1997.
Presented here is Frank's spearpoint-bladed lockback knife.
The scales are made of exhibition-grade white lip mother of pearl, and the bolster features Mike Norris stainless Damascus.
Overall Length: 7.25 inches
Blade Length: 3.15 inches
Cutting Edge: 3.00 inches
Blade Steel: ATS-34 with a hand-rubbed stainless finish
Handle Material: White Lip Mother of Pearl
Bolster: Mike Norris Stainless Damascus
Weight: 3.9 oz / 111 g
Crafted in Madisonville, TN
Note: The knifemaker is deceased.